Drive Green and Save On Gas
It's common knowledge that most cars are not the most environmental friendly - unless you're driving electric or hybrid models. Even so, cars are a necessity for many of us and so we use them. For those interested in reducing their vehicle's impact on the environment, follow the below steps.
Don't top off the gas tank.
Vehicles today have vapor lines and evaporative emission systems. Topping off your gas could pull raw gasoline into those systems and damage them. So it's not only good for the environment to not top off a gas tank, but it's also better for your car.
Practice proper vehicle maintenance.
Hang onto your owner's manual and follow its regular maintenance suggestions and recommended usage. Regular maintenance will keep your vehicle in top running performance and will assist in keeping its carbon footprint to its possible minimum.
Avoid idling; turn off the engine.
Idling burns a lot of fuel and can put the car's engine in a gasoline rich state; idling can also overheat the engine depending on atmosphere temperature. It's a good practice to avoid idling as much as possible in order to help your vehicle and the environment.
Car pool to work.
Car pooling will save you money on gas and limits the total number of cars on the road, thus helping limit car exhaust into the air. Try alternating driving days with co-workers that live nearby or with significant others.